What I've been up to


Nexer Digital - Blog post; "Empowering Accessibility with AI: 5 Real-World Use Cases"

Umbraco MVP 2022 (x5)

Microsoft Horizon  - Featured in; "Nexer enhances colleague experience with Accessibility Horizon 1 - Adopt video"

Siteimprove webinar (Rethinking digital accessibility: From compliance to cornerstone) - Speaker; "Beyond Compliance: Creating Truly Inclusive Digital Experiences"

NHS Accessibility Launch event - Speaker; "What's new in 2.2: Explaining the updates to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines"



TechShare Pro 2023 - Attendance for my first time at AbilityNet's Techshare Pro event 

Nexer Group Gothenburg - Speaker; "Beyond Compliance: Creating Truly Inclusive Digital Experiences"

Codegarden 2023 - Speaker; "Fix the Six: A personal and practical explanation of web accessibility"

Umbraco MVP 2022 (x4)

Promoted to Accessibility Team Lead for Nexer Digital

Signed the Overlay Fact Sheet; lucky #767

Nexer WoW Tour - Speaker; "Nexer Digital Case Study for Accessibility"

UMBRAAD 2023 (Umbraco Accessibility Awareness Day) - Speaker; "Building better editor experiences: Empowering our editors to make accessible content"

UK Tech News - Featured in; "Umbraco Accessibility Awareness Day conference aims to make websites user-friendly for all"

IT Supply Chain - Featured in; "Umbraco Accessibility Awareness Day conference aims to make websites user-friendly for all"

Nexer & Bupa Accessibility event - Speaker; "What's new in 2.2: Explaining the updates to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines"

Umbraco Spark - Speaker; "Building better editor experiences: Empowering our editors to make accessible content"

Umbraco Spark social banner for Danny Lancaster

UmbraCoffee #267 - A11y Awareness; spoke about the upcoming accessibility Umbraco event

Nexer Digital - Blog post; "The 2023 WebAim Million Report Shows Web Accessibility Still Has A Long Way To Go"



Umbraco uProfile March 2022: Danny Lancaster

Umbraco MVP 2022 (x3)

Sigma Tomorrow Pilot - Representation role for accessibility and inclusive design for the wider Sigma group

Code Garden 2022 - Attended my first Code Garden & spoke with some of the accessibility community team on stage

UmbraCoffee Live at Code Garden 2022 - attendee as first timer 

Wrote my first HTML project

Manchester Digital Member conference 2022 - Speaker; "Fix the Six: A personal and practical explanation of web accessibility" - See this excellent write up from Roger Zorlu

Accessibility training for AutoTrader and Bupa

Umbraco Community Days - Attended the Umbraco Community Teams visit at Umbraco HQ as part of the Umbraco Accessibility team

Cam Creative - Speaker; "Fix the Six: A personal and practical explanation of web accessibility"

Promoted to Accessibility Lead for Nexer Digital

Accessibility at Nexer Video - Our team talks about the work we do around accessibility, and why it matters to them.

Umbraco Together - Speaker; "Building better editor experiences: Empowering our editors to make accessible content"

Umbraco DK Festival - Speaker; "Fix the Six: A personal and practical explanation of web accessibility"

Fix the Six banner for Umbraco DK festival

24DaysInUmbraco - Blog post; "Empowering our authors and clients through Umbraco: A call to action"

Started my website/blog



Umbraco MVP 2021 (x2)

Sigma Tomorrow Pilot - Representation role for accessibility and inclusive design for the wider Sigma group

UMBRAAD 2021 (Umbraco Accessibility Awareness Day) - Speaker; "A11y and Digital Illusions"

Shopify - Contributed to blog post; "Mobile Accessibility: How to build apps that work for all users"

Helped create and launch the first Umbraco accessibility training course for their training library



Umbraco MVP 2020

Sigma Tomorrow Pilot - Representation role for accessibility and inclusive design for the wider Sigma group

Joined the We4Author accessibility cluster representing Umbraco among many other CMS venders

NHS Digital Accessibility lab - Help set up and train NHS Digital staff on the in-house accessibility lab 

ORCHA Webinar - Speaker; "Mobile accessibility barriers: Practical ways to test your products and services"

Molly and Danny at NHS Digital Accessibility Lab

ORCHA Webinar promotional content for making health products and services more inclusive.

Nexer Digital - Blog post;  "How to create accessibility statements"

Sigma Christmas Calendar - Presented a short awareness video with my excellent colleague Molly Watt using sign language



Performed the first accessibility audit on Umbraco CMS version 8.1

Co-started the Umbraco Accessibility team

UmbraCoffee #078 - Let's make an ARIA to talk about Web Accessibility! - Guest and accessibility demo for UmbraCoffee

Sigma Tomorrow Pilot - Representation role for accessibility and inclusive design for the wider Sigma group

Umbraco UK Festival 2019 - Speaker; "How to save a life in 2 hours: Accessibility testing within a short timeframe"

How To Save A Life In 2 Hours promotional content with Danny Lancaster and Ross Jamieson for Umbraco UK Festival

How To Save A Life In 2 Hours promotional content with Danny Lancaster and Ross Jamieson for Umbraco UK Festival.

Booking.com Innovation week - Speaker; "How to save a life in 2 hours: Accessibility testing within a short timeframe"